Throat Chakra
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
Spiritual meaning and symbolism of the colour blue, the Colour for truth, communication and reason
Number ~ 5
Element ~ Water
Chakra ~ Throat
Direction ~ West
Planet ~ Uranus
Zodiac ~ Cancer, Scorpio, Piscies
Tarot ~ No 5 The Heirophant, No 14 Temperance
Tarot Suit ~ Cups
Crystals ~ Sodalite, Turquoise
Totem Animals ~ Song Thrush, Salmon, Eagle
Trees ~ Ash (5), Fir (14)
Weekday ~ Thursday
Key Words ~ truth, communication, reason, healing
"Loving with all your voice fulfills the blue ray"
"Everything teaches you the truth, until you learn"
Element ~ Water
Chakra ~ Throat
Direction ~ West
Planet ~ Uranus
Zodiac ~ Cancer, Scorpio, Piscies
Tarot ~ No 5 The Heirophant, No 14 Temperance
Tarot Suit ~ Cups
Crystals ~ Sodalite, Turquoise
Totem Animals ~ Song Thrush, Salmon, Eagle
Trees ~ Ash (5), Fir (14)
Weekday ~ Thursday
Key Words ~ truth, communication, reason, healing
"Loving with all your voice fulfills the blue ray"
"Everything teaches you the truth, until you learn"
What is the spiritual meaning of the colour blue?
The spiritual meaning of the colour blue is communication and being able to speak your truth. In nature we recognize blue as the colour of water, the rain, rivers, the sea and even a mother's womb. Blue cleanses and calms and brings peace to mind and body. In many religious practices you will see a lot of blue, the Virgin Mary and Jesus both wear this colour, this is because it is recognised in relation to truth and someone who can be trusted. In the case of royalty we talk of 'blue blood'. Blue within our aura increases spiritual awareness. If your purpose for developing your spirituality is to be of service to others then the blue within your aura will increase. The blue ray calls for self analysis, to help you to learn to live properly and truthfully.
The spiritual meaning of the colour blue is communication and being able to speak your truth. In nature we recognize blue as the colour of water, the rain, rivers, the sea and even a mother's womb. Blue cleanses and calms and brings peace to mind and body. In many religious practices you will see a lot of blue, the Virgin Mary and Jesus both wear this colour, this is because it is recognised in relation to truth and someone who can be trusted. In the case of royalty we talk of 'blue blood'. Blue within our aura increases spiritual awareness. If your purpose for developing your spirituality is to be of service to others then the blue within your aura will increase. The blue ray calls for self analysis, to help you to learn to live properly and truthfully.
How to use the colour blue
Blue is the colour of the fifth chakra the throat chakra. The focus of this chakra is on your ability to be heard and to be understood. Being able to communicate that truth that you feel in your heart. If the throat chakra is in balance you will be confident with self expression such as writing, art, speaking and presentation skills. Think about how you communicate with the world. The ultimate lesson is who you are and what you communicate will reflect directly back to you.
Blue is the colour of the fifth chakra the throat chakra. The focus of this chakra is on your ability to be heard and to be understood. Being able to communicate that truth that you feel in your heart. If the throat chakra is in balance you will be confident with self expression such as writing, art, speaking and presentation skills. Think about how you communicate with the world. The ultimate lesson is who you are and what you communicate will reflect directly back to you.
Tarot Life Personality & Soul Purpose cards associated with blue
'You are holding the key'
The tarot cards associated with the number 5 are The Hierophant (5) and Temperance (14). The hierophant is the revealer, he shows us we must look for someone who tell us something that is currently hidden. This is all about finding the meaning in life and finding the answers to life’s little mysteries. Important decisions are likely to be needed along with the strong possibility of movement too. There is a need to bring balance to mind, body and spirit as well.
The Hierophant is telling you to do your own thing, not to follow others. Do not become a sheep but you may well feel being part of a group or organisation will work for you. This could well be a passion or hobby or something you have always wanted to do. This will lead you to a place of self-improvement.
Sharing your knowledge and communication are the keys to your future. This will lead you to that place of authority, your strengths will shine. Remember that everything we experience is a gift to learn something from. Know that the spirit world are giving you the guidance. Look for those opportunities to share.
The key point with the Hierophant is that of ‘when the teacher appears the pupil is ready’. Every one we meet we learn something from, in every situation both parties will learn something. Remember you hold the key to your future, your choices. Allow things to develop just as they should, whether that be as teacher or pupil. Good luck.
If the hierophant is the revealer, he shows us we must look for someone who tell us something that is currently hidden. If this is your soul card then blue will be your personality colour. You will have an amazing ability to communicate with everyone, no matter if they are king or pauper. You will have a natural ability to know what is right and what is wrong. A blue personality will struggle sometimes to show their tender side however they do feel things very deeply. A blue's life purpose is to help others, especially those less fortunate. Speaking the truth is of up most importance to blue's, anyone who tells them lies will not be trusted again. They are very good at reading people too and are very loyal. They are very keen learners and constantly look for teachers to gain more understanding. On the downside blues can be somewhat reclusive and show a moody temperament, feeling 'blue'. The hidden teacher card for blue is Temperance, he is the healing angel, use this card if you need to bring balance to the subconscious and consciousness and thus bring peace of mind. Allow his life force energy to flow through you.
'You are holding the key'
The tarot cards associated with the number 5 are The Hierophant (5) and Temperance (14). The hierophant is the revealer, he shows us we must look for someone who tell us something that is currently hidden. This is all about finding the meaning in life and finding the answers to life’s little mysteries. Important decisions are likely to be needed along with the strong possibility of movement too. There is a need to bring balance to mind, body and spirit as well.
The Hierophant is telling you to do your own thing, not to follow others. Do not become a sheep but you may well feel being part of a group or organisation will work for you. This could well be a passion or hobby or something you have always wanted to do. This will lead you to a place of self-improvement.
Sharing your knowledge and communication are the keys to your future. This will lead you to that place of authority, your strengths will shine. Remember that everything we experience is a gift to learn something from. Know that the spirit world are giving you the guidance. Look for those opportunities to share.
The key point with the Hierophant is that of ‘when the teacher appears the pupil is ready’. Every one we meet we learn something from, in every situation both parties will learn something. Remember you hold the key to your future, your choices. Allow things to develop just as they should, whether that be as teacher or pupil. Good luck.
If the hierophant is the revealer, he shows us we must look for someone who tell us something that is currently hidden. If this is your soul card then blue will be your personality colour. You will have an amazing ability to communicate with everyone, no matter if they are king or pauper. You will have a natural ability to know what is right and what is wrong. A blue personality will struggle sometimes to show their tender side however they do feel things very deeply. A blue's life purpose is to help others, especially those less fortunate. Speaking the truth is of up most importance to blue's, anyone who tells them lies will not be trusted again. They are very good at reading people too and are very loyal. They are very keen learners and constantly look for teachers to gain more understanding. On the downside blues can be somewhat reclusive and show a moody temperament, feeling 'blue'. The hidden teacher card for blue is Temperance, he is the healing angel, use this card if you need to bring balance to the subconscious and consciousness and thus bring peace of mind. Allow his life force energy to flow through you.
Health issues associated with the colour blue
Blue can help in the treatment of nervous disease as it has a calming effect. It is also great for bringing down a fever as it has a cooling effect too. Blue will help strengthen the lungs and voice box, or any condition related to the throat. Blue can also help with inflammation of any kind and can be useful for stings or headaches. If you want a really good nights sleep then decorate your bedroom in blue, similarly for a relaxing tranquil time decorate your bathroom blue. Water has the greatest power of all the elements.
Blue can help in the treatment of nervous disease as it has a calming effect. It is also great for bringing down a fever as it has a cooling effect too. Blue will help strengthen the lungs and voice box, or any condition related to the throat. Blue can also help with inflammation of any kind and can be useful for stings or headaches. If you want a really good nights sleep then decorate your bedroom in blue, similarly for a relaxing tranquil time decorate your bathroom blue. Water has the greatest power of all the elements.
Dream meaning of the colour blue
When blue appears in a dream it indicates positivity for the coming days or weeks. It could be a clear communication from your spirit guides so any dream with blue being prominent is worth writing down. There will be a message in there somewhere for you. As blue is the colour of truth know that a dream about this colour symbolizes truth, openness and will enhance your confidence to voice your opinion.
When blue appears in a dream it indicates positivity for the coming days or weeks. It could be a clear communication from your spirit guides so any dream with blue being prominent is worth writing down. There will be a message in there somewhere for you. As blue is the colour of truth know that a dream about this colour symbolizes truth, openness and will enhance your confidence to voice your opinion.
Spirit Animal
A spirit animal associated with the throat chakra and the colour blue is the Songthrush. The song thrush spirit animal is a beautiful little bird who sings the song of life. Take notice when you see him or her, the song thrush will bring awareness to your current situation and to let the past go. The song thrush spirit animal brings the message of survival and our basic needs in life, a home, family and people around us that care. The song thrush is loyal and dedicated to just one mate and symbolises union between two people.
A spirit animal associated with the throat chakra and the colour blue is the Songthrush. The song thrush spirit animal is a beautiful little bird who sings the song of life. Take notice when you see him or her, the song thrush will bring awareness to your current situation and to let the past go. The song thrush spirit animal brings the message of survival and our basic needs in life, a home, family and people around us that care. The song thrush is loyal and dedicated to just one mate and symbolises union between two people.
A crystal that works well with the throat chakra is sodalite. This crystal is great for sore throats or hoarseness. It will cool a fever and lower blood pressure. Sodalite also facilitates spiritual growth. It helps you to release old thought patterns and mental conditioning and is particularly useful for phobias and panic attacks. It brings silence of thought which allows our consciousness to expand. Place sodalite around areas of your home to bring calm and peace and clear any negative feelings. Sodalite is also great to use when doing tarot readings. If you hold a piece of sodalite before you do a reading it will clear your mind and help open up your intuition, it will help you focus your thoughts and help speak only the truth.
A crystal that works well with the throat chakra is sodalite. This crystal is great for sore throats or hoarseness. It will cool a fever and lower blood pressure. Sodalite also facilitates spiritual growth. It helps you to release old thought patterns and mental conditioning and is particularly useful for phobias and panic attacks. It brings silence of thought which allows our consciousness to expand. Place sodalite around areas of your home to bring calm and peace and clear any negative feelings. Sodalite is also great to use when doing tarot readings. If you hold a piece of sodalite before you do a reading it will clear your mind and help open up your intuition, it will help you focus your thoughts and help speak only the truth.
The Archangel of the blue ray is Michael, probably the most powerful archangel, he will shield and protect you, he calls on you to speak your own truth, with his light you will feel more powerful, more secure and confident. The blue ray is the first ray the ray of strength and protection. Ask him to protect you each morning so that your actions and words are in line with your higher purpose and feel that protective shield of love and light.
The Archangel of the blue ray is Michael, probably the most powerful archangel, he will shield and protect you, he calls on you to speak your own truth, with his light you will feel more powerful, more secure and confident. The blue ray is the first ray the ray of strength and protection. Ask him to protect you each morning so that your actions and words are in line with your higher purpose and feel that protective shield of love and light.
"Loving with all your voice fulfills the blue ray"