Robin Spirit Animal
Robin Spirit, Totem and Power Animal, Meaning and Symbolism
A Complete Guide Spirit Animal Meaning
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Robin?
The spiritual meaning of the robin is one of the messenger or gift from the spirit world. ‘Robins appear when loved ones are near’. When a loved one dies the robin will often been seen nearby. He is the escort from this life to the next and will often be seen on the day of a funeral and around a churchyard. For many who have lost a loved one a robin will appear. He is here to let you know that everything is going to be okay and that your loved one in spirit is also okay. He will appear at exactly the right time just to remind you that you are not alone. He brings with him new hope, he brings good news and hope for your future.
The Robin is a totally selfless bird and is one of the symbols for Christmas in the UK also being Britain’s National Bird. Legend says that the little robin was around at the birth of Jesus and used his feathers to fan the fire to keep the young baby warm. When the robin got too close to the fire he scorched his chest feathers, hence the red breast. You will find cards and decorations adorned with the robin at this time of year.
Another legend associated with Jesus is that the Robin tried to pull the thorns from the crown of Jesus while he was on the cross. It was the drops of blood from Jesus that stained the breast of the robin and so he wears this emblem of bravery to this very day.
There is also the pagan legend that reminds us of the cycles of life. The Robin is associated with hiding in the Holly tree. It is after the Winter Solstice that the Oak King takes over and the robin is calling in the longer days and the returning of the sun and to bring back the light and warmth. Holly represents masculine energy and is thought to reference the crown worn by the Holly King in druidic times. The female energy is represented by the Wren who will hide in the Ivy. We are reminded of the importance of the differing seasons in the year and the need for balance between the light and dark and masculine and feminine. Both robins and wrens are seen as sacred birds.
The robin is associated with the springtime, and this is where he comes into his own. He will awaken you into new beginnings and transformation. You are about to evolve into an independent strong person. He teaches us to begin afresh and to experience growth. It is time to make that wish and accept the changes that are coming and most importantly to be brave.
“Kill a Robin or a Wren, never prosper, boy or men.”
The spiritual meaning of the robin is one of the messenger or gift from the spirit world. ‘Robins appear when loved ones are near’. When a loved one dies the robin will often been seen nearby. He is the escort from this life to the next and will often be seen on the day of a funeral and around a churchyard. For many who have lost a loved one a robin will appear. He is here to let you know that everything is going to be okay and that your loved one in spirit is also okay. He will appear at exactly the right time just to remind you that you are not alone. He brings with him new hope, he brings good news and hope for your future.
The Robin is a totally selfless bird and is one of the symbols for Christmas in the UK also being Britain’s National Bird. Legend says that the little robin was around at the birth of Jesus and used his feathers to fan the fire to keep the young baby warm. When the robin got too close to the fire he scorched his chest feathers, hence the red breast. You will find cards and decorations adorned with the robin at this time of year.
Another legend associated with Jesus is that the Robin tried to pull the thorns from the crown of Jesus while he was on the cross. It was the drops of blood from Jesus that stained the breast of the robin and so he wears this emblem of bravery to this very day.
There is also the pagan legend that reminds us of the cycles of life. The Robin is associated with hiding in the Holly tree. It is after the Winter Solstice that the Oak King takes over and the robin is calling in the longer days and the returning of the sun and to bring back the light and warmth. Holly represents masculine energy and is thought to reference the crown worn by the Holly King in druidic times. The female energy is represented by the Wren who will hide in the Ivy. We are reminded of the importance of the differing seasons in the year and the need for balance between the light and dark and masculine and feminine. Both robins and wrens are seen as sacred birds.
The robin is associated with the springtime, and this is where he comes into his own. He will awaken you into new beginnings and transformation. You are about to evolve into an independent strong person. He teaches us to begin afresh and to experience growth. It is time to make that wish and accept the changes that are coming and most importantly to be brave.
“Kill a Robin or a Wren, never prosper, boy or men.”
Dream Meaning of the Robin
To dream of the robin means there are lots of possibilities coming your way for your own growth. Change and transformation are around the corner, and it will be your own thoughts that will make your dreams come true. Dreaming of the robin can also mean that you are giving up something that you do not have to give up. Are you giving it up for another person? Is it your true desire? The robin is awakening your hopes and desires and helping you to evolve to be the best that you can be.
Why Does the Robin Appear Now?
The Robin appears now because he wants you to be brave, to embrace any changes that are coming your way. He represents our inner spirit and soul development.
You are being given the ability to grow in a different direction in life, teaching you to accept the renewal. Get ready to release any negative energy or thought patterns. Changes are always welcome, and he will bring those changes with joy and a song and passion in his heart.
How to Connect with the Robin
Working with Robin energy will bring you sunshine and happiness. Call on his energy if you are in need of spiritual growth. He is not shy, he will come to you.
The robin’s redbreast symbolizes creative energy, activating anything that has become stagnant in your life. If you connect with robin energy a period of happiness and joy is about to enter your life.
To dream of the robin means there are lots of possibilities coming your way for your own growth. Change and transformation are around the corner, and it will be your own thoughts that will make your dreams come true. Dreaming of the robin can also mean that you are giving up something that you do not have to give up. Are you giving it up for another person? Is it your true desire? The robin is awakening your hopes and desires and helping you to evolve to be the best that you can be.
Why Does the Robin Appear Now?
The Robin appears now because he wants you to be brave, to embrace any changes that are coming your way. He represents our inner spirit and soul development.
You are being given the ability to grow in a different direction in life, teaching you to accept the renewal. Get ready to release any negative energy or thought patterns. Changes are always welcome, and he will bring those changes with joy and a song and passion in his heart.
How to Connect with the Robin
Working with Robin energy will bring you sunshine and happiness. Call on his energy if you are in need of spiritual growth. He is not shy, he will come to you.
The robin’s redbreast symbolizes creative energy, activating anything that has become stagnant in your life. If you connect with robin energy a period of happiness and joy is about to enter your life.
Robin Spirit Animal Message
Messenger – Happiness – New Beginnings
Expect A Blessing From Spirit
Messenger – Happiness – New Beginnings
Expect A Blessing From Spirit
If you see the Robin know that you will be blessed with joy and happiness. As the messengers from our angels, know that spirit is close by, they have come to say hello, they have come to say, ‘I love you’. If you repeatedly see the same Robin, know that someone who has passed has a message for you. Listen to your intuition and your thoughts to gain insights into that message.
The Robin is a great protector and guardian of both his territory and family. Is there something that you need to say to someone close? Are you about to bring joy to those around you? Be the leader, lead those you love on the right pathway ahead.
Robin also reminds us to count our blessings, each and every morning. When you wake be thankful for all the things you have in life. If your worries outweigh your blessings, count them again. Remember there is always something to be thankful for. The Robin brings hope for your family during trying times.
Finally, Robin symbolizes new love! So, either a relationship you are in already will change and become more loving or a new person is about to enter your life. Trust that the relationship has spirits blessing.
The Robin is a great protector and guardian of both his territory and family. Is there something that you need to say to someone close? Are you about to bring joy to those around you? Be the leader, lead those you love on the right pathway ahead.
Robin also reminds us to count our blessings, each and every morning. When you wake be thankful for all the things you have in life. If your worries outweigh your blessings, count them again. Remember there is always something to be thankful for. The Robin brings hope for your family during trying times.
Finally, Robin symbolizes new love! So, either a relationship you are in already will change and become more loving or a new person is about to enter your life. Trust that the relationship has spirits blessing.