Dragon Spirit Animal
Dragon Spirit, Totem and Power Animal, Meaning and SymbolismA complete guide spirit animal meaning.
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
The Spiritual Centre
Sonia Parker
What is the spiritual meaning of the dragon?
The Celtic symbol of the dragon is magical, one of transformation and eternal wisdom. The druids respected dragons as forces of nature, the guardians of mother earth and all things sacred, the protectors of nature and all living things. The dragon holds the powerful Celtic symbol of protection and power. These magical beings represented all that the universe has to offer. There is dragon energy to cover all four elements, all four directions, however dragons are impartial, they bring potential, opportunity and new ideas to any situation.
The Celts knew of the magic of the lands in Britain. What we know as ley lines were known to Celts as Dragon Paths. Earth energies are laser like lines that cover our planet known as ley lines. These lines are pre-historic in origin and are marked by standing stones, stone circles, long barrows and burial chambers. There are also powerful energy centres underground known as geospirals. These spirals are also known as blind springs, water that does not come to the surface. It is known that all standing stones are built on geospirals. In ancient times they were not marked as a source of water but of a sacred space. The Druids believed these sacred dragons dwelled in these sacred places, in caves, sacred springs, lakes, mountains.
Dragon energy was worshiped and used for the greater good. At special celebrations of the turning seasons of the year, to harvest the right crops, as a true guardian for all they held sacred.
The Celtic symbol of the dragon is magical, one of transformation and eternal wisdom. The druids respected dragons as forces of nature, the guardians of mother earth and all things sacred, the protectors of nature and all living things. The dragon holds the powerful Celtic symbol of protection and power. These magical beings represented all that the universe has to offer. There is dragon energy to cover all four elements, all four directions, however dragons are impartial, they bring potential, opportunity and new ideas to any situation.
The Celts knew of the magic of the lands in Britain. What we know as ley lines were known to Celts as Dragon Paths. Earth energies are laser like lines that cover our planet known as ley lines. These lines are pre-historic in origin and are marked by standing stones, stone circles, long barrows and burial chambers. There are also powerful energy centres underground known as geospirals. These spirals are also known as blind springs, water that does not come to the surface. It is known that all standing stones are built on geospirals. In ancient times they were not marked as a source of water but of a sacred space. The Druids believed these sacred dragons dwelled in these sacred places, in caves, sacred springs, lakes, mountains.
Dragon energy was worshiped and used for the greater good. At special celebrations of the turning seasons of the year, to harvest the right crops, as a true guardian for all they held sacred.
How to connect with your dragon spirit animal guide?
We can all work with Dragon energy. The Dragon will bring you protection, he is an amazing guardian. When you call on dragon energy you should be able to feel the warmth immediately. Dragon energy is different to other spiritual energy. If you are new to connecting to spirit sit quietly and call on your guardian dragon, ask them to come close so that you may feel their energy. Meditations are a great way to connect.
Look for the signs over the coming days and weeks, see how many times the Dragon shows himself to you, in images, tattoos or statues. When you see them know that Dragon is connecting with you. Most of all know you are being protected and guided along your life path.
The dragons are closely tied to the four elements, earth, fire, water and air. All of the animal spirit guides belong to one or more of these elements. The dragon however, is all encompassing.
Embrace the energy of the elemental dragons, which one will you connect with?
We can all work with Dragon energy. The Dragon will bring you protection, he is an amazing guardian. When you call on dragon energy you should be able to feel the warmth immediately. Dragon energy is different to other spiritual energy. If you are new to connecting to spirit sit quietly and call on your guardian dragon, ask them to come close so that you may feel their energy. Meditations are a great way to connect.
Look for the signs over the coming days and weeks, see how many times the Dragon shows himself to you, in images, tattoos or statues. When you see them know that Dragon is connecting with you. Most of all know you are being protected and guided along your life path.
The dragons are closely tied to the four elements, earth, fire, water and air. All of the animal spirit guides belong to one or more of these elements. The dragon however, is all encompassing.
Embrace the energy of the elemental dragons, which one will you connect with?
Earth Dragon
Power – Wealth - Potential
The earth dragon has a symbolism of nature and all things connected to our Mother Earth.
The earth dragon asks us to connect with nature in all of its beauty. The true wealth is not money but from the beauty of our land. He will help to ground your own energy and help you to see your true power within.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Earth Dragon:
Earth Dragon represents Mother Earth, when Earth Dragon appears it is time to go back to basics. Appreciate what you have and who you are.
Earth dragon will help unlock the wisdom of the Earth Mother, 'Gaia', it will help unlock the secrets of the natural world, through animal spirit guides, synchronicity, elementals, totems, and ancient symbolism.
The powerful energy of Earth Dragon will help unlock wisdom from generations before us, to enable you to awaken the spiritual potential from your higher self.
Earth dragon encourages us to explore our own depths, the meaning of life, why we are here. The base chakra and the simplicity of life, do we feel safe? do we have enough food? can we provide for others? how do we help ourselves and each other?
With Earth Dragon as a main guide, happiness and self-fulfilment will be found at home, in the nest, family. By staying close to the nest, the creature comforts come easy. A safe place to live and food on the table, inviting others to share the peace and harmony created by you, in your home.
Connecting with your earth dragon animal spirit guide can be a powerful way to gain insight into your life and find direction. Dragons are wise and powerful creatures that will help you.
Call on the energy of the earth dragon if your energy needs grounding, or if you have lost your way a little, he will reconnect you to true source and bring back your power.
The earth dragon asks us to connect with nature in all of its beauty. The true wealth is not money but from the beauty of our land. He will help to ground your own energy and help you to see your true power within.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Earth Dragon:
Earth Dragon represents Mother Earth, when Earth Dragon appears it is time to go back to basics. Appreciate what you have and who you are.
Earth dragon will help unlock the wisdom of the Earth Mother, 'Gaia', it will help unlock the secrets of the natural world, through animal spirit guides, synchronicity, elementals, totems, and ancient symbolism.
The powerful energy of Earth Dragon will help unlock wisdom from generations before us, to enable you to awaken the spiritual potential from your higher self.
Earth dragon encourages us to explore our own depths, the meaning of life, why we are here. The base chakra and the simplicity of life, do we feel safe? do we have enough food? can we provide for others? how do we help ourselves and each other?
With Earth Dragon as a main guide, happiness and self-fulfilment will be found at home, in the nest, family. By staying close to the nest, the creature comforts come easy. A safe place to live and food on the table, inviting others to share the peace and harmony created by you, in your home.
Connecting with your earth dragon animal spirit guide can be a powerful way to gain insight into your life and find direction. Dragons are wise and powerful creatures that will help you.
Call on the energy of the earth dragon if your energy needs grounding, or if you have lost your way a little, he will reconnect you to true source and bring back your power.
Earth Dragon from Animal Spirit Oracle Deck, more information here: animalspiritoracle.com/
Water Dragon
Compassion – Wishes - Courage
The water dragon has a meaning of depth, compassion and wishes. Is there something from your past that needs to be brought to the surface?
Any challenges that you are facing, now is the time to see your past experiences with compassion and know that every experience offers a learning curve. Look back on your life with new compassion for yourself and others. Have courage to face the past, and enthusiasm to dream for the future.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Water Dragon.
Water Dragon represents compassion, empathy, reflection, pure thought, pure emotion, freedom of expression through mind body and spirit.
Water Dragon in the West, works with Air Dragon in the East together Bnwyfre: “The Breath of Life,” “Life Force Energy.” Settles and balances all living things without conflict, creating a natural harmony with the beauty of unconditional love in its simplest form.
Water Dragon is a symbol of compassion, hope, love and understanding. It works on the same vibration as nymphs and mermaids.
Water Dragon knows its own power and does not approach Fire Dragon, if fire comes to water the water will vaporise and travel and settle else-where, but if water comes to fire, the fire is destroyed. Both fire and water can live alongside one another, in harmony with mutual respect.
Ascended masters, ancestors, generations of relatives that stretch back to the gods that walked this earth, are connected by the Water Dragon. Looking back and learning from historical influence prepares us in going forward. Water dragon provides the ascended masters with a link to today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Abred, Gwyned and Ceugant, the past the present and the future.
Call on the energy of the water dragon if you are facing any struggles from past hurts, invite the water dragon to fill you with compassion for others and courage to face those challenges.
Any challenges that you are facing, now is the time to see your past experiences with compassion and know that every experience offers a learning curve. Look back on your life with new compassion for yourself and others. Have courage to face the past, and enthusiasm to dream for the future.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Water Dragon.
Water Dragon represents compassion, empathy, reflection, pure thought, pure emotion, freedom of expression through mind body and spirit.
Water Dragon in the West, works with Air Dragon in the East together Bnwyfre: “The Breath of Life,” “Life Force Energy.” Settles and balances all living things without conflict, creating a natural harmony with the beauty of unconditional love in its simplest form.
Water Dragon is a symbol of compassion, hope, love and understanding. It works on the same vibration as nymphs and mermaids.
Water Dragon knows its own power and does not approach Fire Dragon, if fire comes to water the water will vaporise and travel and settle else-where, but if water comes to fire, the fire is destroyed. Both fire and water can live alongside one another, in harmony with mutual respect.
Ascended masters, ancestors, generations of relatives that stretch back to the gods that walked this earth, are connected by the Water Dragon. Looking back and learning from historical influence prepares us in going forward. Water dragon provides the ascended masters with a link to today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Abred, Gwyned and Ceugant, the past the present and the future.
Call on the energy of the water dragon if you are facing any struggles from past hurts, invite the water dragon to fill you with compassion for others and courage to face those challenges.
Water Dragon Card from Animal Spirit Oracle Deck, more information here: https://animalspiritoracle.com/
Air Dragon
Clarity – Inspiration - Insight
The air dragon symbolizes all things of the intellect, including thoughts, inspiration and clarity.
Every single action starts with a thought. The air dragon will inspire with new ideas and will also clear any negative thoughts and behaviours.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Air Dragon?
Air dragon represents the passion and freedom of spring, the fresh air, the invigoration breath of life, Know how to love life, Air dragon is the epitome of loving life.
Air Dragon unlocks the secrets of the air, encourage pollination, fertility, creativity in all things and all beings. Physical life awakens on Earth and is the inspiration for all life to awaken, move quicker, think quicker, inspire more, procrastinate less. The vibration of all life, life after life, life as we know it and life forms as we discover them. Vibrations rise and new life begins. Bnwyfre: “The Breath of Life,” “Life Force Energy.” Air dragon is a symbol of creativity and passion.
Artistic and creative, in the sense that solutions come easy to you for the most complicated of things. When you are being creative, the solution for every problem happens.
Naturally instinctive air dragon knows that love without fear is the way to be, unconditional love can be seen all around you fleetingly for that moment in time. Air Dragon knows it means more than a moment.
To be able to spread your wings and enjoy the freedom is your most treasured attribute, encourage others with your confidence, changes lives and promotes free will. Explore your higher self and awaken the Air dragon within open up the Spiritual Potential that everyone around you has been waiting for.
Call on the energy of the air dragon if you are in need of inspiration for new ideas. If you are struggling with any negative thoughts, know that the air dragon can clear them and bring new insights and beliefs.
Every single action starts with a thought. The air dragon will inspire with new ideas and will also clear any negative thoughts and behaviours.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Air Dragon?
Air dragon represents the passion and freedom of spring, the fresh air, the invigoration breath of life, Know how to love life, Air dragon is the epitome of loving life.
Air Dragon unlocks the secrets of the air, encourage pollination, fertility, creativity in all things and all beings. Physical life awakens on Earth and is the inspiration for all life to awaken, move quicker, think quicker, inspire more, procrastinate less. The vibration of all life, life after life, life as we know it and life forms as we discover them. Vibrations rise and new life begins. Bnwyfre: “The Breath of Life,” “Life Force Energy.” Air dragon is a symbol of creativity and passion.
Artistic and creative, in the sense that solutions come easy to you for the most complicated of things. When you are being creative, the solution for every problem happens.
Naturally instinctive air dragon knows that love without fear is the way to be, unconditional love can be seen all around you fleetingly for that moment in time. Air Dragon knows it means more than a moment.
To be able to spread your wings and enjoy the freedom is your most treasured attribute, encourage others with your confidence, changes lives and promotes free will. Explore your higher self and awaken the Air dragon within open up the Spiritual Potential that everyone around you has been waiting for.
Call on the energy of the air dragon if you are in need of inspiration for new ideas. If you are struggling with any negative thoughts, know that the air dragon can clear them and bring new insights and beliefs.
Air Dragon Card from Animal Spirit Oracle Deck, more information here: https://animalspiritoracle.com/
Fire Dragon
Vitality – Transformation - Mastery
The fire dragon has a meaning of vitality, transformation and self-mastery.
The fire dragon will bring protection and love to family and loved ones. If there are any rifts or arguments, the fire dragon will repair and restore peace and harmony. He will help you reclaim your own power.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Fire Dragon?
Fire Dragon is about vitality. Fire Dragon is the inspiration, the ego, the passion, the everlasting belief in oneself. Just as air dragon loves life, fire dragon loves life and actively promotes wellbeing and wellness.
Fire Dragon is the passion that resides within us, it is the everlasting continuance of life within life, existing is not an option. Fire Dragon is about living life to the full. Fire dragon is a symbol of passion, vitality, and everlasting life. Life after life, the miracle of all life. Bnwyfre equals life force energy or breath of life. Fire Dragon provides the continuous growth and the perpetual motion of life.
Fire Dragons are powerful mythical creatures that have been revered in many cultures for centuries. They symbolize courage, strength, and the ability to overcome adversity.
Is this you and the role you play? In modern times, they are often seen as a symbol of mental and spiritual wellbeing, helping us to unlock our life purpose when diplomacy fails.
It is believed that by connecting with our inner Fire Dragon, we can tap into its power and use it to reach our highest potential.
Is this your gift to the world, your forte'? You see people not using their potential and you encourage them to realise and appreciate self-fulfilment.
Call on the energy of the fire dragon to be given the qualities of leadership and mastery. The fire dragon will also bring you new ideas and inspiration. Ask for a little bit of his treasure, he will share, use the energy he gives to recharge you, he will fuel your inner passion.
Be the leader you were born to be.
The fire dragon will bring protection and love to family and loved ones. If there are any rifts or arguments, the fire dragon will repair and restore peace and harmony. He will help you reclaim your own power.
What is the spiritual Meaning of Fire Dragon?
Fire Dragon is about vitality. Fire Dragon is the inspiration, the ego, the passion, the everlasting belief in oneself. Just as air dragon loves life, fire dragon loves life and actively promotes wellbeing and wellness.
Fire Dragon is the passion that resides within us, it is the everlasting continuance of life within life, existing is not an option. Fire Dragon is about living life to the full. Fire dragon is a symbol of passion, vitality, and everlasting life. Life after life, the miracle of all life. Bnwyfre equals life force energy or breath of life. Fire Dragon provides the continuous growth and the perpetual motion of life.
Fire Dragons are powerful mythical creatures that have been revered in many cultures for centuries. They symbolize courage, strength, and the ability to overcome adversity.
Is this you and the role you play? In modern times, they are often seen as a symbol of mental and spiritual wellbeing, helping us to unlock our life purpose when diplomacy fails.
It is believed that by connecting with our inner Fire Dragon, we can tap into its power and use it to reach our highest potential.
Is this your gift to the world, your forte'? You see people not using their potential and you encourage them to realise and appreciate self-fulfilment.
Call on the energy of the fire dragon to be given the qualities of leadership and mastery. The fire dragon will also bring you new ideas and inspiration. Ask for a little bit of his treasure, he will share, use the energy he gives to recharge you, he will fuel your inner passion.
Be the leader you were born to be.
Fire Dragon Card from Animal Spirit Oracle, more information here: https://animalspiritoracle.com/
Dragon Spirit Animal
Spirit Dragon Card from Animal Spirit Oracle, more information here: https://animalspiritoracle.com/
Connect to Dragon Energy - Be The Best That You Can Be
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