A powerful spell to set intention for a successful interviewBefore any spell I always ask if the outcome will be a positive one. You can do this by using your cards, an upright card is a positive outcome, a reversed means now is not the right time to do the spell. You can read more about spells here Assuming your outcome is positive this is the ritual I used for my spell. Of course you can choose any items or any cards that resonate with you. In this instance I used: Fire: Candles - White, Red, Green Air: Incense Water: Sacred Healing water from Lourdes Earth: Pine cones & Rock Tarot: The Chariot, 7 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles Oracle: Dark Goddess Ereshkigal Start by creating your space. Light the incense and set the intention to clear your space, moving around with the incense will cleanse the air. The white candle is for spirit and higher energies. The red is for my star sign which is aries. The green is for work and work related matters. The water element here I am using healing water from Lourdes, you can collect rainwater, again this is your choice. For the earth element I have used both pine cones and an ancient rock, whatever you feel is good for the spell and resonates with you. You now have the four elements and four directions on your altar ready and your intentions are set to cast the spell. You are now ready to light the candles. Start with the white candle, as you light the candle ask for the higher energies to give power and strength to this wish you am making. Light the red candle, (or your astrological colour candle) and ask the powers of the universe to bring their magic to your wish. Lastly light the green candle and ask for power and strength of the gods to bring this job into your life. Bless the candles. Tarot Cards, I chose The Chariot, it was the card of the day, and it's meaning relevant, time to take back control of my choices and life. The 7 of cups is visualisation, making illusions and dreams into reality. Lastly the 7 of pentacles, because I have worked very hard to be where I am now and am happy to go forward and work hard for my future. I have also chosen an oracle card, the meaning being strong and taking a stand and reclaim your personal power (very apt for me right now!!) Stare at your cards as you say the words of your spell. Think of nothing else only the outcome you desire. If it is strength for the interview itself or for you to get the job. Allow the energies of the card to become one with you. There are no rules about what you should ask for. An example of words you can use: Allow me the opportunity to bring my strength and power to this position This position is coming to me. Allow me this opportunity. Let me earn it. Let me work. This job is for me. This job is mine. Repeat the words until you are happy. To end the spell say "So mote it be". If it is possible and safe to do so it is best to leave the candles to burn out completely. Leave your altar as it is until after your interview. You can leave it until after you hear about your job or for however long you feel is necessary. Trust totally that the universe has listened to your thoughts and will react accordingly. You can find out more about spells here:
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