Commitment ~ Monday 04/02/2013loyalty ~ trust ~ love ~ honesty This word is prominent for me this weekend so I thought I would spend some time thinking and writing about it. I firstly thought of some words that might go alongside commitment and came up with the following, loyalty, trust, love (maybe) and honesty. For me personally these words are all very important in the way i live my life as I believe you treat others how you want to be treated yourself. Now when it comes to commitment I tried hard to think of the things I am committed to. Of course the first and easiest thing is my children, without a shadow of a doubt my life is committed to them first and foremost. Secondly I would like to think I am committed to the rest of my family, I have special friends that I would also place in this category and If I have said I would do something with them, I consider yes I have committed to doing it. Another area is of course my studies. Studying from home you have to be committed to it, otherwise it is so easy to give up. There are probably lots of other things that I am committed to including people, places and events. So why does this word cause problems for some people? If we look at loyalty any commitments made with the absence of loyalty will appear to be nothing but hollow, empty promises. Trust, without it no relationship can survive, its a mutual thing that works two ways. Honesty, again the most important quality any other human being can possess. About expectations, hopes, fears, being open about these things. If you are dishonest it is classed as betrayal, it is that simple.
Under the umbrella of commitment lies the foundational blocks of all relationships, friends, family and loved ones. It is not a word to be feared, a commitment to any thing in your life is something to be rejoiced and cherished :)
AuthorSonia Parker Archives
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