Here is Pisces tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Dragon’s Duel – 23 – Inner Conflict, Morality, Conscious Choice The Dragon’s Duel takes place at the fork in the road. It is both Ally and Challenger all at once as it represents the tension of opposites. We all experience the duality of love/fear, faith/doubt, right/wrong and black/white. Pay attention right now, you may be going one way, another may call to you to change direction. NOW is the time to enquire whether it is your ego or soul that is leading you. There are always choices and making a decision can resolve inner conflict. If you feeling torn between two dragons the one that will win is the one that you feed. Feed the one that serves the highest of your intentions. You are in limbo land but this is exactly where you need to be right now. So give yourself a break, give yourself some time. Use your time to spend it with those you love, nothing grand just a walk in nature, or a meal. The simpler things in life often bring the greatest memories. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Aquarius tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Happy Birthday! Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Spirit Whisperer – 3 – Divine Guidance, Higher Knowing The Spirit Whisperer comes heralding the miraculous and the inspired. She will guide you, and help you intuit your next actions and steer you away from trouble. She will keep you inspired to move forwards, always knowing the next steps. If you are seeking clarity over a relationship The Spirit Whisperer speaks of soul connections and mirrored actions. Listen to the guidance, she will whisper how long, how short, how deep the relationship can be. Moving forward keep listening to the Spirit Whisperer for the lessons that love brings. You mind will be working overtime. Know that you are able to deal with anything that is thrown your way this month, including a new admirer. Enjoy it, it will give you lots of confidence. Romance is on the cards on 3rd Feb. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Capricorn tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Mapmaker of Destiny – 24 – Authentic Purpose, Inspiration, Free Will You are being given an opportunity to transform Fate into Destiny. Your very own Map of Destiny will show all the places you are meant to visit, places you will be challenged to evolve into the highest aspects of the self. You are a spark of the Divine, come to earth to experience human form. Fate represents those things that happen that you cannot change. Destiny is how you react to the experiences. Destiny offers you the ability to make great opportunities out of fated experiences. Free Will is possible at any point in your map. NOW is one of those times. You are faced with something that has been brought to you by fate. How you respond will lead you to your destiny. Your Ally may be your soul mate, come to heal your heart. Or maybe there is something you need to face, a challenge within that you want to change. Pay attention as your Map is unfolding now. Remember fate makes the map, but destiny is determined by the manner in which you engage your journey. It is almost as though a situation is coming to a head, you are now ready to deal with it. Love makes the world go around but only if you let it. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Sagittarius tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Altar Princess – 39 – Preparation, Prayer, Ritual Not only is the stage set but the world is waiting for you to take your place. The Altar Princess brings ritual of interaction with the mundane world. See everything as sacred and every action as a prayer of devotion. When you are able to see the world this way, your question will lead to the appropriate answer. If all is sacred, how can anything be wrong? Shift your consciousness to see through the eyes of the Divine. You will realize how perfect and sacred everything is right now. And when you do be prepared to be swept off your feet, whether that is by a person or event, just enjoy the feelings you have. You will have loads of energy and want to be doing new things, let those know around you, do not let your energy go to waste. Love is looking good, especially around the 18th. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Scorpio tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Desert Prince – 19 – Survival, False Promises The Desert Prince has a gift for you. The plant life that lives in the desert is well defended, tough and succulent even though it gets little or no water. In spite of the conditions, extraordinary life can flourish. Be tough, have courage, and dare to dream no matter what the circumstances. Not only will you survive, you will thrive. You will succeed. Dry spells are tests of faith and courage. Expect nothing less than what is your wildest dreams and watch the miracles manifest. It could well be that someone close to you will be requiring your help and courage too. Helping a friend in need will pay dividends. There could be a ‘love at first sight’ moment if you are single then you have nothing to lose. Think carefully about your actions. Those in a relationship should spend extra time together. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Libra tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Ringmaster of Scrutiny – 9 – Discernment, Clear Vision, Details Look closely and pay attention to the smallest elements of what is going on around you and what is presented to you on your path. You will find breathtaking beauty in what you observe. The Ringmaster is here, he is on your side, to point to the deeper meaning of what is unfolding in your life. He reminds you that every moment counts. Observing the minute things will lead you to manifest your highest good and greatest desires. It is the smallest of acts that will really count right now. There could be issues around work colleagues, try to keep your distance, things will move forward and the right outcome will happen. With regards to love be prepared for more than one offer. You will be popular and spoilt for choice, especially around the 4th. Someone will do something that will really make you smile. For Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Virgo tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Camel Boy – 33 – Small Steps, Ask for Help The Camel Boy is here to let you know that asking for help right now will bring you the right people to ease any burdens. Be prepared for a wise person to give you advice, or maybe friends offering services, perhaps someone will share the knowledge you are seeking right now. No matter what the issue, remember if you ask, you will receive. Synchronicity engages when you request assistance. The Camel Boy is here to help you lighten the load, he will not let you down. Now is the time to ask for help – and you should expect to get it. You could easily say the wrong thing to the wrong person. Be gentle with yourself over this. If this is around a relationship you can always go over old ground. Speak up around those you love, let them know how they are making you feel. February is the month of Love, free up some space to allow that love to come in. Full reading below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Here is Leo tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Resting Tree – 22 – Patience, Stillness The Resting Tree is asking you to stop planning and stop focusing, instead relax and be at peace. Patience is the key. The Resting Tree is asking you to slow down this month, sit back and watch the roses bloom and the birds feed. Take time to contemplate your good fortune, even if this does mean blessing any chaos that is around you right now. Accept the stillness of NOW. Allow the story to unfold, you have done all you can. Remember the ancient saying “We do without doing and yet everything gets done”. There will be lots going on, and you will be pulled in many directions, just don’t make any rash decisions. Take your time. A new encounter on the 3rd will want you to give them answers almost immediately … hold fire and you will be amazed at how deep the connection grows. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre EnergyDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Cancer 2019 Tarot Reading Forecast – Tarot by Sonia Parker Here is Cancer tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Lady of the Gift – 20 – Generosity, Receiving, Withholding The Lady of the Gift brings you a message of tithing (offering). She requires you to look at the nature and method of your giving to others. The world is your church, you only have to donate 10% of that to others. This will ensure the flow continues. The kind of tithing the lady is asking you to give is not material. It is about showing others that you believe in them. Pay attention to how you see others. If you see others as happy and successful, blessings all around will be assured. Your belief in others will have more value than you can imagine. This will guarantee your success. Lastly, remember you keep what you are willing to give. As well as your time and energy someone will be confiding in you this month. Will you be able to keep the secret they share? They will want your attention, give them your trust. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre Energy - NEW Online CourseDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
Gemini 2019 Tarot Reading Forecast – Tarot by Sonia Parker Here is Gemini tarot reading for February 2019. I will tell you what energies are around for you, what experiences you might expect for the month ahead. I will pull one general card for the overall energy and then 3 cards from the tarot deck. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms The Wise Woman of Wonderland – 21 – Integrity, Compromise The Wise Woman has shown herself for you this month to let you know that honesty truly will pay off for you. She will bring integrity to thought, word and deed. If you are in the flow of honesty she will keep you in her care and protection. The time of honesty will truly pay off for you. You will gain greater dividends than you could of ever imagined. Remain faithful and loyal to your path and you will be thankful you did. Stay true to yourself first and foremost. Although it may appear that you will lose something if you do, you can never really lose what is truly yours. You will also be feeling a need to get out there, out of hibernation. A passion or burning to do something new, even a new relationship. Lots of new encounters on the cards for February. Again be totally honest with any new people that enter your circle this month. Full Reading Below: Spiritual Development with Bnwyfre Energy - NEW Online CourseDiscover the amazing benefits of connecting with Energy, understanding the power of you. Become the person you deserve to be. Learn how to be the best you can be and work from the highest vibration.
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