Before we begin your Pisces Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Blackbird The first card in your Pisces June reading is the Blackbird. He is showing himself to you to enable you to create that world you desire, for you to fulfil your true purpose. Create that balance in life, the physical and spiritual, the 4 elements and 4 directions. Know that everything is working in harmony for you. Know your own power, just standing in the gateway of the two worlds will not bring you all your heart desires, you need to do something about it, you need to listen to the call of the blackbird and act accordingly. There is development for you in all areas, especially spiritually. A new door is opening for you, do not miss the opportunity. With regards to work, if you have a business or partnership make sure you are doing your fair share. Things seem a little one sided lately. Relationships are going to be on a high, enjoy each others company and take extra time to just sit and talk. Full Reading Below:
Before we begin your Aquarius Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Seal Your first card in your Aquarius June Reading is the Seal. The seal speaks of the longing of the heart, of true love, of the desire to be happy and in love. Do not be overwhelmed by your feelings. Do not allow your mind to rule your heart. Open yourself up to your dreams, your ambitions, to the unconscious world that awaits you. This will bring transformative love into your life. You will want to be spoiling those around you, family, partners, friends, especially being drawn to small children and the innocence they bring. If you are bored at work maybe now is the time to do something completely different, something that is not mainstream. Pick something unique and go for it. Your longing for love, could well be heard this month. Be prepared for someone to pop an unexpected question especially after the new moon on 3rd. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Capricorn Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Adder The first card in your Capricorn June Reading is The adder. You are in a great place right now being able to glide through life gracefully and magically. The adder brings forward transformation, allowing you to shed your old life easily. This could be something in your physical world, or something within your own consciousness and beliefs. You have the amazing power to heal. Use this power to help others, you know what you need to do. You are about to enter one of the most memorable times of your life. Things that happen over the coming weeks will have a big impact on you. You may well be on a mission with regards to work and projects. Also a connection that you made that seems to of gone quiet will spark again, where it will lead is totally dependent on the choices you make. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Sagittarius Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Dog The first card in your Sagittarius June Reading is the Dog. The dog brings forward three amazing qualities, faith, trust and loyalty, how beautiful for you. The dog will remain faithful no matter what. Look at these qualities in yourself and others around you. Do you have any issues with trust or loyalty? Or on the opposite side, are you too trusting, remember the dog is faithful and even submissive to please another. Try to set boundaries that are right for you. Your own faith and trust is not always mirrored by those around us. I sense the word underappreciated is a key word for you right now, so let them know. I feel this could be around a work situation, with close family or a partner, or even all 3! So communicate how you are feeling, and make changes where needed. The 3rd of June is a great day for cementing long term relationships, or for a special day out. A fresh new perspective from this date will do you the world of good. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Scorpio Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Bee Your first card in your Scorpio June reading is The Bee, a time to celebrate, not just you on your own but your own little community of family and friends will be there to celebrate with you. This month is all about living in harmony, so some of you may well feel out of place right now. Think about your life and those that are around you and think about the roles that will make you happy. Organization and working together is the key. If you are with someone already or looking for someone special know that the connection is worth working for and fighting for. Put aside any silly arguments, life is too short. Someone around you could be looking at you with envious eyes with all that you have. Remember this is the month to celebrate you, not just you, your little world and all you have created. Working and Living together is the key this month. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Libra Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Sow I always love it when this card shows itself. The first card in your Libra reading for June is The Sow. The mother figure which signifies a month of abundance and fertility for you. You will be giving out to others so much but you will be getting so much back in return. There is nothing you need to worry about in the coming months. Know that with the cycle of life everything gets renewed. Enjoy all that is on offer, including relationships, whether they are just one off meetings or long term. I also feel you will be drawn to a new mentor or teacher, someone will have guidance for you. So if you get the opportunity to enhance your skills or learn something new take it this month, June is a prosperous month for you. Including love in that, the universe is about to deliver your hearts desires! Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Virgo Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Boar The first card in your Virgo Reading for June is the Boar. The boar brings forward the warrior spirit. He helps you find direction in life. You will be that leader, fresh ideas will come to you and you will put them into action. Do what feels right for you knowing that you will be victorious. The truth will be revealed around relationships mid-month. It is almost as though you will be seeking answers, keep asking the questions and trust your own inner knowing. This is not about fall outs or upsets, this is about knowing what you believe to be the truth. Relationships will take on a new direction after this. Look out for 19th June for a new encounter or surprise meeting. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Leo Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Swan What a beautiful card for you Leo’s for your June reading. This card indicates that this month you will receive divine inspiration. The swan brings love, grace and beauty. I have a strong feeling that you have lost someone you were very close to recently and they are here to let you know just how close they are. They are with you and guiding your from the world of spirit. This month is about connecting with your inner being, your intuition, your soul purpose and to make those wishes into reality. Slow down a little, there is no need to rush and hurry. There is lots going on in your personal life and around work issues. Even if things are a little chaotic right now know that your only purpose will be to help others this month. Friends and family will cheer you up. Talking about anything and everything is key as well. Your feelings will be running high so allow those feelings to surface and let others know how you feel. Full Before we begin your Cancer Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Horse The first card in your June reading is The Horse. For me the horse is all about journeys, travel and long-distance relationships. The horse works with speed and strength and helps us to feel comfortable with each of our life stages. If you are feeling restless then look at the reasons why. Similarly if you have difficulty settling in one place, then now is the time to find your place in the world. Try not to change someones mind about something, instead focus on your own mind and what it is you want. Someone will be on your mind, almost constantly, whether this is someone that has just come into your life or someone from the past. Something that was in your history that was never finished. Allow the horse to take you on that journey of discovery to either finish something from the past, or to rekindle an old relationship. By the end of June you will have a much clearer direction of what it is you want. Full Reading Below: Before we begin your Gemini Tarot Reading for June can I ask if you enjoy this reading then please let me know in the comments. Animal Card The Otter Your first card for your reading for June is The Otter. The otter is showing himself right now to ask you to go with the flow and to enjoy all that life has to offer. To lighten your load and let go of any daily concerns. Do something completely out of the ordinary for you. Someone new could be entering your life to show you have to play again and have fun. Know that you are truly protected as you embark on a fun filled month. Try not to go against the natural flow of events, trust in life. Independence is a key word this month, both financially and physically. You will shine this month and others will see your light. You will be a magnet to others, let others know how you feel, make that proposal, if you have been thinking about asking that question, then do it in June, the 9th is a great day for love and relationships as Venus is entering your sign. Relationships will be made to last. If you are in a relationship already then set the intentions in the month of June of what you want and where you want that relationship to go, remember set the intentions and the relationship will last. Full Reading Below: |
AuthorSonia Parker Archives
April 2024