The decks I am using for your February Pick A Card Reading are the Dolphins & Mermaids Oracle Deck, True Love Reading Oracle and also The Universal Celtic Tarot. Watch the video on youtube: Group One Tranquility, Yin and Yang, Emotional Freedom Welcome to group one of your pick a card reading for February 2020. The card in your reading is tranquillity. The words on the card are ‘make time to relax. Be still, and enjoy the solitude, and indulge in much needed self-care’. This month you need to take a break, it does not matter how that break comes about, you just need to shift your energy. Even if that break is a day pampering yourself. A candlelit bath with Himalayan salt. I sense a need to release emotions, to cleanse your energy body as well as your physical body. Maybe light a candle in the bath, amplify what you desire, do not have any negative thoughts, what we think about we create. Be aware of those thoughts. Know that your prayers are being heard. The second card is Yin and Yang. The words with this card are strive for harmony card tells me there is too much dominance around you, whether that is another male or female around you. Someone is being very dominant. If you are in a relationship there may be a need for balance of some kind, is there someone around you who is always making the decisions. Is it you who is demanding? Consider all of the Yin and Yang in your life, all of the opposites and try to bring them together, the word I am being given here is compromise, some compromises are healthy, as long as you are happy to compromise all is good. Do not compromise so much that you feel suffocated. This is going to lead to inner reflection and growth on a spiritual level. The last card for this group is Emotional Freedom. The words with this card are ‘true emotional freedom is liberating in its ability to embrace individuality in yourself and others. How ever much you desire the perfect relationship there is a part of you that fears letting go of your full self, there is a part of you that is holding you back. Emotional freedom is accepting the opinions and perceptions of others may be different to yours. Feel free to think, speak and act the uniqueness that is you. This will bring mutual respect and support. Celebrate your truth. Group Two Ready, Set, Go! Boundaries, Compatibility Welcome to group two of your pick a card reading for February 2020. The first card is Ready, Set, Go! The key words for you for the month of February are ‘Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your hearts desire’. I sense you could be doubting yourself right now, or doubting what is going on around you. Now is the right time, now is the only time, the one thing we are only ever promised is the now. So dive into your future and do it now. Your dreams are but a heartbeat away and I am sensing that you do not believe this. Now is the time to readjust your schedule, make the changes necessary for you to achieve what you want. Jump in, follow your heart and watch your future manifest. The second card is from the true love oracle and is Boundaries. The words for this card are ‘a clear and healthy sense of self is a great foundation for love’. Whenever this card appears it immediately tells me that you need to say NO to someone around you. Anything that is important to you, do not let go of it, if there is something you love doing do not give it up for another because they do not want you to do it. Make your boundaries clear, this is not only in close relationships, this is with every encounter you make. Communicate, do not be afraid to let people know how you feel or what is on your mind. Instead of saying ‘you never want to go to the beach’ why not say ‘I am off for a trip to the beach, do you want to join me’. This changes the whole situation so that you are firm about what you are doing and you give the choice to another for them to decide what it is they want to do as well. This card is here simply to ask you to set your personal boundaries, or even think about the boundaries that you have in place. Ask your angels to help with support and guidance if you need it. The last card before the tarot is Compatibility. The words on the card are ‘the synergy of compatibility is based on being yourself and having the awareness to select a true match for yourself. This card has also shown itself to ask you not to change. There is nothing you need to change about yourself. Remember no one is better than you, we are all equals. Think about how people around you are compatible with you? As well as knowing that you do not need to change know also that you cannot change another. This month is about acceptance of the people who are around you. Who is compatible with your energy. Group Three
Make A Decision, Life Purpose, The Silver Waterfall Welcome to group three of your pick a card reading for February 2020. The first card in your reading is Make A Decision. The keywords for February are ‘Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision’. Pulling this card for group 3 tells me that you cannot make up your mind right now. You need to make that decision. Do not put it off any longer, do not change your mind, make that decision and stick to it. Do not allow life or others to just flow by or do what others want you to do. This is your journey and only you are responsible for the choices you make. Focus on your destination and make that choice now. Make sure you enjoy the journey on the way. The second card is from the true love oracle. Life Purpose. The words with the card are ‘your own natural intuition and genuine wisdom of the heart is here to guide you’. You are a being of love, the giving and receiving of love is not just confined to a relationship. You are connected to source, you are spirit, you have a physical body for this incarnation. Be natural, be yourself, do not try to hard, giving love and receiving love is the most natural thing in life. Feel your higher purpose, your life purpose first hand. Love is not something you find and must keep hold of. Love is for sharing, for giving and receiving. It is unlimited and it is within you. The last card before the tarot is The Silver Waterfall. The words with this card are ‘stay balanced, healthy and happy by raising your vibration’. You do not need to be defensive. You do not need to protect yourself from any perceived negative energy. Not only does your aura experience the highs and lows of everything that is going on around you. So does your nervous system and all the cells in your body. The way to counteract the inbalances around you is to raise your own vibration. Eat healthy, exercise, rest, simply look after yourself. Ground yourself, look after your energy body as well, allow your aura to expand. This does not mean removing people from your life, it simply means looking after yourself. Take time to meditate if you can, think of the silver water in this card and allow that energy to flow through you, cleansing as it goes, clearing any energy that you may of picked up on your day. You will feel refreshed and ready to make those decisions this month.
Pick a card reading, 6 months from now. This is 6 months from when you listen to this reading as it is timeless. The cards I am using are the Ascended Masters Oracles cards and the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and the Universal Celtic tarot. This reading will help you gain insights and maybe a different perspective for what is happening 6 months from now. All you need to do is focus on which group you feel appropriate for you to hear right now, which group will give you that message that you will guide and prepare for 6 months time. I will put the timestamps in the comments below for you. To pick a group what I would like you to do is focus on the three groups of cards. As you focus on the cards take a deep breath, take a few moments to connect to the number you feel drawn to. Either 1, 2 or 3. GROUP ONE Welcome to group one pick a card reading, 6 months from now. So the first card is from the Ascended Masters Oracle Deck and is the King Solomon. The words on the card are priorities. It is really important that you spend time focusing on your priorities. Take baby steps, one step forward is better than not moving forward at all. You may well find that you are being diverted from what you truly want to do. Be warned now, there will be people around you who want you to do other things, you may be burning the candle at both ends if you are not careful. So keep your focus, stay true to you and your desires, do not be mislead by someone who is out for themselves. Most of all keep on schedule, put your plans into motion and stick to what you have said you do and achieve. The second card for your 6 months ahead reading is from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is Trust. Again this card is saying you may well feel unsure of things, of someone around you. This card does signify change, however just what those changes are is not important. I feel a change of job situation or home life, I sense the changes are major, however these changes are for the better, we have the dove of peace on the card. This is a good luck sign. You can expect something unexpected. Something out of the blue will happen, go with it, go with the flow, do not try to stop the changes from happening. Trust and be guided that this is right for you. You are the creator of your own life story. Think now, right here, what it is you want to be happening in 6 months time. Where do you see yourself, what are you doing. Create your world going forward, and then simply trust that you have set the intentions and all will be good. The next card is also from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is New Beginnings. 6 months from now a brand new beginning will unfold. The changes that we just talked about will bring you fresh energy. Everything will be clear, I also sense a ‘coming to terms’ with something that happened in the past as well. The most important thing though is that you will be become aware of something that you could never even dreamed of. New options will appear, new ideas, things will happen for you in a series of events that will change your life. Know that you are blessed and that a blessing is coming your way. GROUP TWO Welcome to group two pick a card reading, 6 months from now. So the first card is from the Ascended Masters Oracle Deck and is Paravati and the words on the card are Positive Change. The message that is coming for you for 6 months time is that you will change. Your thoughts and feelings will change. What you like and dislike will change. Who you like and dislike will change. Especially around someone you are either in a relationship with or someone from the past. I do also feel that you may be pushed outside of your comfort zone, meeting someone new, someone who will come into your life and just make a huge change. I feel this person will be connected to nature, loving the mountains, outside and being free. You will learn so much from this person about you and where you want to go. The second card for your 6 months ahead reading is from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is Change. With this card what I am feeling most of all is a change in persona, just like the first card. The changes will be in how you think and feel. These are not material changes. Changes in the way you react to someone. So maybe someone will be loving the drama and pushing your buttons, your reactions to this person will change. Make that conscious effort right now and in 6 months time you will look back and be very proud of how your behaviour has changed the behaviour of someone around you. You have the power to transform you, your thoughts, your beliefs, how you allow others to treat you. Embrace this, as I feel in 6 months time someone close will be shocked by the transformation. The next card is also from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is Flame of Inspiration. ‘Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will get you everywhere’. You will over the coming weeks have an enormous surge of will power, of inspiration, the feeling of being inspired to create something totally new. Have fun, enjoy life, do not take things so seriously. I feel a creative artist type of idea coming your way. Your own inner talents will shine. Be prepared to be inspired for that amazing once in a life time idea. The more you relax, the more you will be inspired. 6 months from now you will be having a magical and enchanted time. GROUP THREE
Welcome to group three pick a card reading, 6 months from now. So the first card is from the Ascended Masters Oracle Deck and is the St Francis and the words on the card are Follow your heart. Any question you have right now for where your life will be in 6 months time .. the answer is within your own heart. You already know where you will be, you already know what you want. If you want to know how you life will manifest, then look to your heart, go with your true feelings. You know what you need to do over the coming months. There may be loved ones around you that do not understand your choices or pathway. That’s ok, this is your journey not theirs. Your true heart desires and gut instinct are your higher self giving you divine guidance. Your soul knows the bigger picture of where you should be going. Trust your instincts, trust your feelings. Do not overthink anything. The second card for your 6 months ahead reading is from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is Don’t Compromise. Again the message form this card just reinforces that of St Francis. Do not make any compromises. Something that you truly believe in or want, go for it. From this moment for the coming 6 months, keep that momentum, keep that determination. Stay committed to what you believe in and you will be surprised at how things are 6 months from now. There will be unexpected things that happen along the way. But you will have a magical occurrence approximately 6 months from the date you are listening to this reading. Note it down. The next card is also from the Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle Deck and is Wings of Light. On the card is a beautiful angel of healing love and light. Know that your loved ones in spirit love you, guide you, watch you. Know that they are there 24/7. Probably one of the biggest things I learnt when I started my spiritual journey is that I am never ever alone. Spirit offer unconditional love, a love that is comforting and engulfing, should you want them to drawer close. Feel the love of spirit around you, feel that unconditional love, feel the healing that this gives. Look for signs that your angel is close. When you see the signs you will know that your decisions are the right ones. Hello Everyone, hope you are well, welcome to the Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and I am going to be doing a pick a card reading, tarot predictions for 2020 The cards I am using are the Druid Animal Oracle Deck, Angels of Atlantis and the Universal Celtic tarot. This reading will help you prepare for the year ahead, help you gain insights and maybe a different perspective for what is happening this year. 2020 is the year of the Emporer in the tarot. What can we expect in 2020? What can the energies for the year ahead bring for us. We all look for guidance in these changing times, 2020 is going to be a transformational year. A year for you to take back your own power. To be the ruler of your own destiny and to make a difference. The Universal number for 2020 is 4. From this one number we can determine the overall global energies and intentions. 2020 will be all about leadership and taking responsibility for your own actions. Discover what this coming year has in store for you. The Emperor you can expect strength and stability this year. The Emperor is the father figure, which represents determination, a need to provide and being a core strength to those around you. All you need to do is focus on which group you feel appropriate for you to hear right now, which group will give you that message that you need to hear to help you plan your year ahead. I will put the timestamps in the comments below for you. To pick a group what I would like you to do is focus on the three groups of cards. As you focus on the cards take a deep breath, take a few moments to connect to the number you feel drawn to. Either 1, 2 or 3. Full Reading Below Welcome to your January 2020 Pick A Card tarot reading. The decks I am using for your January 2020 Pick A Card Reading are the Crystal Oracle Deck and also The Universal Celtic Tarot. Each of the three groups of cards will give you guidance for the month of January. The energies that are around you for the coming months and any action you might need to take. What I would like you to do is focus on the three groups of cards. With the intention of ‘what is going on around me in January'. As you focus on the cards take a deep breath, take a few moments to connect to the number you feel drawn to. Either 1, 2 or 3. Full Reading below:
Natures Whispers – Intuition 36
Welcome Pisces this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Intuition. You message for you Pisces this month is you just seem to have the knack right now. You do not appear to be getting anything wrong. You are flying high, your magic is shining. You just know what is going to work for you. You work hard, you have a lot of endurance but more than that you simply know when the time is right and when the magic is about to happen. Do not overthink any of your plans as you go into the new year. Trust that the magic will happen. You are your own best friend. Trust your inner voice always. Tap into this wisdom and know that your higher self has an amazing agenda for you. After all, You Are The Magic. Full Reading Below:
Natures Whispers – Be Your Best Self Always 24
Welcome Aquarius this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Be Your Best Self Always. This card is here to ask you a very simple question, how are you feeling right here and now? Are you being the person you want to be? Are you achieving all you wanted to achieve? Are you where you want to be? Remember that at every single moment you are choosing how you feel, how you react, what you say, what you do. This card is asking you to push yourself forward. To achieve all that you are capable of. To be who you were meant to be. This month, achieve more, create more, love more and be the best that you can be. Full Reading Below:
Natures Whispers – Maintain Your Childhood Spirit 27
Welcome Capricorn this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Maintain Your Childhood Spirit. This card is here to bring you the innocence and playfulness of our childhood spirit. See the magic that is there right in front of you. Look for it. Make an effort to see it. This month is about connecting with your child spirit. Think about the memories you have from your own childhood. Fearlessness is a great word and something every child possesses at some point. Allow yourself to see the world as a child would see it. Get excited about the thought of learning something new. This child spirit, is your essence, it is your spirit, who you truly are. Try to maintain it as you go through the new year. Full Reading Below: Natures Whispers – Amplify Your Positive Emotions 7 Welcome Sagittarius this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Amplify Your Positive Emotions. I can almost sense a ripple effect from events around you, this is either something directly with you or this is someone around you who is causing drama. You need to step aside from this drama. Send them love, give them love, knowing that the love you give out will amplify back to you. You have the power to influence events and situations, everything happens within a cycle, what goes around comes around. We are all growing and changing and with each shift of the wheel a new lesson is learned. With every ending comes a new beginning, whoever is creating drama do not get caught up in it. Radiate positive happy thoughts, know that what you manifest now will pay off in the coming months. Full Reading Below:
Natures Whispers – Let Love Be Your Beacon 42
Welcome Scorpio this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Let Love Be Your Beacon. So new love is on its way for you. You will be that guiding light for others this month as well. There may well be tensions around a work situation, allow others to have their say, you will be the one who brings things together and brings back the harmony. Focus on you, on your own light, imagine that light body growing, imagine your aura expanding. The more our aura expands the more we become a magnet to others and others will be drawn to you. Full Reading Below:
Natures Whispers – Trust Your Own Understanding 32
Welcome Libra this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Trust Your Own Understanding. The message for you this month, is YES trust what you feel, trust your own instincts. I do sense a new commitment for you this month, either you have made that choice or an opportunity will arise and you will make that new commitment. There is more to this than meets the eye which is why you need to trust your own intuition. You have no need to prove yourself, there is nothing you need to prove to anyone. You are your own person, you make your own choices, watch how people behave around you, use your knowledge to make decision this month. Remember you have nothing to prove to anyone. Full Reading Below: |
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April 2024