Aquarius FREE Tarot ReadingWelcome Aquarius this month the card we have for the general energies around you is the Cave and the word with the card is sanctuary. This month is a month to find your sanctuary. Not necessarily a cave, or a place, that safe place within you that is always available. Finding a quiet spot in nature will help you tune into your own sanctuary. Feel the presence of your higher self, direct links to spirit guides and ancestors, whether you are in a cave, nature, forest, beach or a room in your home. Find your quiet place and listen to the guidance that comes for you. Simply be, simply breathe, bridge that gap between physical reality and the unseen world of spirit. Be aligned to all that is, make this time on a regular basis, once a week, once a day, whatever feels right for you. Connect to your higher self and allow yourself to find peace and guidance from spirit. If you follow those steps to find your sacred space you will find that life shows you some great opportunities this month. You will find that you are extra creative, that you have more to give others, you will feel stronger. You will have more energy. Others will be drawn to you in February … enjoy it. Full Reading Below:
Pisces FREE Tarot ReadingWelcome Pisces this month the card we have for the general energies around you is The New Moon and the word on the card is Promise. This is a reminder for you that your hopes and dreams will come to fruition. One the card we see the lovers under the new moon. The couple embrace, welcoming the promise of their love, a promise that they have made to each other. Now is the time to believe this, to make it happen, a time for new beginnings. Something will renew itself in February, whether this is a project, a relationship, a job opportunity, no matter what it is, know that the seed that you have planted, maybe more than once in the past is about to grow, to emerge, and you will become fully aware that this is happening. Your next step is to put into action what it is that you have planted. A promise is commitment, commitment to yourself and commitment to another, a guarantee to yourself that something will happen. When your will is aligned with your higher self then you can expect it to manifest. All you need to do is focus your intentions. Do not expect it to just come to you, nurture it, make it grow and then the promise will be kept. February is a lovely month if you are in a settled relationship. It is a month to cozy up on the sofa, to spend time doing nothing, to appreciate those around you. You do not need to make yourself available this month, however if someone does need your help oblige as you always do. There is a big surprise in store this month. Full Reading Below: Capricorn FREE Tarot ReadingWelcome Capricorn this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Fairies and the words with the card are earth magic. Fairies take care of all of the plants and trees within nature. They will also help you take care of your garden if you ask them. Fairies like to see our actions towards plants and trees, they like to see us take care of our planet. In return they give some of the earth magic to us. You have as much power as the fairies do. Take time in February to reconnect with the earth. Go for a walk in nature, in the forest, take notice of the trees. By demonstrating that you care the fairies will acknowledge this and bestow their magic upon you. If you do not have a garden an indoor houseplant is good. Treat your plant as you would your best friend, talk to it, water it, care for it, by doing this you will see changes in the way people care for you. You will be rewarded many times over. You will find that others will be encouraging towards you this month. Don’t brush aside the compliments, instead take those compliments, look in the mirror and repeat them. Allow your feelings to show and you will be surprised how this is mirrored back to you by others. Remember you have fairy magic this month. Full Reading Below: Sagittarius FREE Tarot ReadingWelcome Sagittarius this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Winter Solstice and the word on the card is reflection. In the picture we see frozen woods with snow and an icy lake. A reflection of everything at peace and sleeping, waiting for the return of the sun. Take a moment to think about your last year. What have you achieved, what have you done that you said you wanted to, and what have you not completed. Are you in the same position you were this time last year, with the same ideals and plans for this year. Maybe now is the time to have a new vision, a new dream. Honour what has happened over the last year, no matter what the experience and know that this year has the potential to make those dreams come true. Do not rush, allow yourself time to reflect, reflect on the last year and reflect on the here and now. Be grateful for every experience. Allow your imagination to run wild, to go further than you have before, not to settle for less than you deserve. Imagine your perfect scenario, play it out, and then remember, you are just resting and waiting for the sun to return so that you can manifest your dreams. With regards to relationships this month, you will have the right words and you will know when to say them. February is going to be a quiet month, and yet it has the potential for you to meet someone new or to change your present relationship dramatically. If you can grab a few days away to find that peace then do so this month. Scorpio FREE Tarot ReadingWelcome Scorpio this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Lightning and the word is Power. Everything in nature has its power but no such show as a thunderstorm and lightening. Dramatic and powerful. We as humans naturally seek shelter from the storm, we have a fear of the lightning. The storm is just natures way of reminding us that we are not in control of nature, there is nothing we can do about the storm. The storm is going to happen, it is not destructive or constructive … it simply is. This month you have the power, that force is available to you. It will be your decision totally on how you react to circumstances and situations around you. Do not consider whether something is good or bad, simply say to yourself, is this best for me. Your decisions and actions are yours to keep, you have to answer to no one. Set your intentions, allow divine power to assist you. Work for the greater good of all and you will be surprised at the results. Remember you have the power. Expect last minute changes to plans this month. Spend lots of time indoors with things you feel comfortable with. Try not to organize too many things, say no to people, take time for you, do things you love doing. Remember you have the power. Full Reading Below: LIBRA Free Monthly Tarot ReadingWelcome Libra this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Forest and the word with the card is Breath. The further we go into the forest, the more we are aware that we need to take a deep breath. Next time you are out and about take a moment to just think about the trees do for us, the exchange of energy that takes place between trees and animals. The trees give off oxygen freely, and animals and humans give off cardon dioxide, a perfect exchange where all benefit. This month is about taking time out to enjoy the nature that is around you. You will 100% feel different after a walk in the forest. Concentrate on your breath as well, shallow breathing does not bring in enough oxygen, long, slow, breaths deep into the chest. Any problems or worries, fears even that you have this month, breathe through them. You will be amazed at how much anxiety disappears when you breath deeply. The forest is a clear reminder this month that every breath you take is a gift and every breath you exhale is also a gift. Think about the exchanges of energy around you, do not give, give, give. I am also thinking that this month you will need to take a deep breath with the actions of someone around you. Do not retaliate to their actions. Instead take a deep breath, walk away and come back to them later when you have had time to think about your response. An old flame will be around this month as well. Look around the 15th February … a love triangle will develop or come to a head at this time. Full Reading Below: VIRGO Free Monthly Tarot ReadingWelcome Virgo this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Dragonfly and the word is emergence. You are about to emerge … emerge into the greatest version of you yet. Things will happen swiftly for you this month. You are moving into a more mature version of you, you will react differently to others, your perception is about to change. Others will see a change in you as well in February. You will be offered something outside of your comfort zone. Gracefully move outside of that comfort zone, say yes to something you would never of dreamed of doing. Say yes to someone who offers you a date or invite to somewhere you would not normally go. Take on something new and go with the flow. There is nothing you cannot do this month, think it believe it, receive it. By the last week of February you will look back and see just how far you have come and just how much things have changed, set your boundaries and do not put up with any nonsense from others. See through a situation with your eyes wide open. Look out for 23rd February for an encounter with someone who can offer you something magical. Full Reading Below: Welcome Leo this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Stone People and the word on the card is Vigilance. This is your month to stand tall, remain vigilant and be aware but do not allow any fear to creep into that vigilance. Open you mind and your senses to what is going on around you. To what people are saying to you and to how people are treating you. Open all of your senses, eyes, ears, feelings. Also let people know how they are making you feel. As well as paying attention to your own instincts also pay attention to the opportunities that are going to present themselves during February. Something is going to present itself that could enhance your life dramatically. Stand tall, take a breath, take in all that is happening around you. Make your choices once you have done this. A mystery will be answered this month, with all the information you will have on hand you will be able to make the right choices. Dig deep because all will be revealed. Leo’s are great at getting their own way, so make it very clear what you want and all will be revealed. Full Reading Below: Welcome Cancer this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Crystals and the word is focus. This month is all about staying focused and this focus must have pure clarity. Where attention goes, power flows. So what is it you are giving your attention to right now? A piece of amethyst is an ideal crystal for you to bring that clarity and direction from spirit. Carry a piece with you, it is a direct link to your higher self. Setting your intention this month will be key. After setting that clear intention of what it is you truly desire, keep that power, keep that thought, think only positive thoughts about the outcome, no doubts, not even one. Watch it then materialize. A do sense growth on a spiritual level this month as well, a serving of your souls purpose. An awakening of some kind and I know that you will feel it, you will feel the shift in energy as well. Use the power of the crystals to enhance that feeling. With regards to relationships, are you ready to move on, will this shift in energy bring you clarity over a relationship as well? I do feel that another is struggling around you, they need your shoulder to cry on. Now is the perfect time to talk things through, anything that needs expressing. Express with love and move on. Full Reading Below: Welcome Gemini this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Autumnal Equinox and the word on the card is release. This month you are going to emerge. Emerge in the full sense of who you are and where you are heading. In autumn the leaves fall from the trees making way for new life in the spring. Let anything that no longer serves you fall away this month. This will include having a good old sort out at home. If you have not used something in the last year then probably you do not need it. Declutter. Allow yourself some extra time for you. A time to rest, a time to play, a time to make memories. I sense that lately things have been moving really fast, slow it down, slow down. Where has your passion gone? Where is your interest? Let go this month of all those things that do not make you happy, including material possessions. Something new is on its way … it may even be with you before the middle of the month, however you will need to create the space to enable this to happen. Good Luck! I am also sensing a feeling of pining for someone, someone from the past, or maybe a friend where you thought you would become more than just friends. Just friends is the best place to keep this person, a friendship could be ruined by taking it further. Full Reading Below: |
AuthorSonia Parker Archives
April 2024