LIBRA Free Monthly Tarot ReadingWelcome Libra this month the card we have for the general energies around you is Forest and the word with the card is Breath. The further we go into the forest, the more we are aware that we need to take a deep breath. Next time you are out and about take a moment to just think about the trees do for us, the exchange of energy that takes place between trees and animals. The trees give off oxygen freely, and animals and humans give off cardon dioxide, a perfect exchange where all benefit. This month is about taking time out to enjoy the nature that is around you. You will 100% feel different after a walk in the forest. Concentrate on your breath as well, shallow breathing does not bring in enough oxygen, long, slow, breaths deep into the chest. Any problems or worries, fears even that you have this month, breathe through them. You will be amazed at how much anxiety disappears when you breath deeply. The forest is a clear reminder this month that every breath you take is a gift and every breath you exhale is also a gift. Think about the exchanges of energy around you, do not give, give, give. I am also thinking that this month you will need to take a deep breath with the actions of someone around you. Do not retaliate to their actions. Instead take a deep breath, walk away and come back to them later when you have had time to think about your response. An old flame will be around this month as well. Look around the 15th February … a love triangle will develop or come to a head at this time. Full Reading Below:
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AuthorSonia Parker Archives
April 2024