Hello Cancer, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your May 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is still happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would continue with the different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Spirit of the Animals Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is the Squirrel – Always Prepared The Words on the card are: You are the expert of hard work and hard play Your cheerful and fun disposition is a blessing to everyone. Don’t let life’s distractions take you off course. Make a plan for the future and life will give you all you need. Squirrels plan ahead and always store for the future. They are prepared for any scenario and you rarely will catch a squirrel out. The gather way more nuts then they will ever need, however that one nut that they did not consume grew from a little acorn into an almighty oak. As squirrel has shown himself for you this month this tells me that you are doing too many things right now. You are trying to get everything done and also trying to please others. Slow down, there is no panic, there is no need to try and hoard things. Have a good clear out. Re-focus, know that any obstacles will be overcome. If you feel you are running around in circles, stop, re-think, do not allow yourself to be taken off course. Know that you will have all you need. Please watch the full reading below. Comment and leave me your date of birth, if I am drawn to you I will give you a free personal life purpose and 2020 experience card reading xx
Hello Gemini, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your May 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is still happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would continue with the different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Spirit of the Animals Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is the Humpback Whale - Singer The Words on the card are: Sing healing songs for the world. Your inner navigation always guides you. Nothing can stop you or keep you from your goal. Align with your purpose and the power in your soul. Whales are peaceful creatures, they are the keepers of knowledge. Their song heals the world, they maybe do not understand where they gain their knowledge. I am feeling that as the whale has appeared for you this month there is something you need to do for humanity with regards to the coronavirus, in fact I feel you may already be doing it. You are one of the key workers, or one of the people that give thoughts and prayers for healing of the planet at this time. I am also sensing that there is a strong network of people around you, a team, all looking out for each other. The song of the whale travels for miles. You will navigate this month with strength, the outcome of which will bring you success. I also feel that you will answer to a question you have been asking, but you will need to listen for it. The answer will come in unexpected ways. Please watch the full reading below. Comment and leave me your date of birth, if I am drawn to you I will give you a free personal life purpose and 2020 experience card reading xx Hello Taurus, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your May 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is still happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would continue with the different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Spirit of the Animals Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is the Raven – Shaman The Words on the card are: You are the creator and the magician. Use Your Gifts for Good. There is power in your wisdom and words. Connect with the elemental spirits and glide through the void. Claim your place as keeper of the mysteries. When magic is near, ravens appear. So the magic is happening around you this month Taurus. Ravens are messengers from the other world. There bring us secret knowledge about magic and divination. The raven can help you to create your dreams. This month expect continual learning and enlightenment, things will show themselves to you this month. This month the raven is here to ask you to use your gifts, to be creative and to nurture the natural philosopher that is within you. You have that knowledge, that secret sacred knowledge. You are able to retrieve this knowledge from your subconscious mind. Let any negativity go. Do not forget just how magical you are. Most of the all the message from the Raven is to use your magical gifts. Watch the full reading below, which gives details of the free personal reading ... comment on this blog. Bless you for watching, stay safe xx Hello Aries, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your May 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is still happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would continue with the different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Spirit of the Animals Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is the Heron – Patience The words on the card are: Create a place in natures stillness and be renewed. Take time alone to find balance. Step confidently toward your purpose. Patience will bring you rewards. The Heron lives in two worlds at the same time, standing in water with his head in the air. He waits patiently, standing there for hours on end, looking at his own reflection. He is totally aware of who is is, often spending hours just contemplating his life and actions. He loves the peace and quiet, he is shy but it is not a weakness. As heron has showed himself for you this month Aries, he is asking you to use your intuition. To be thoughtful and take time to make any decisions. Keep your focus on your goals and if there are delays or reasons things are not working right now, hold on to them, it will pay off in the end. Patience is a virtue for you this month. Use your charm and elegance and do not allow the behaviour of others to disturb your peace. Nothing or no one can touch you this month. So May is about quiet reflection, take time for you, take time to think about what it is you want to do in the future. Take this time to know yourself, your strengths and how this will unfold in your pathway ahead. Please watch full reading below. If you would like a personal free personal reading watch the video and comment on this post. Bless you, stay safe xx Hello Pisces, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Assurance 14 There is nothing you really need to do this mind. Just stay quiet, just stay exactly where you are, remain steady and know that you are doing exactly what you need to do. Things will fall into place, you will have signs, you will get evidence that this is going to happen. You will be motivated in work areas and will want to help others. You will want to do your bit. New ways of thinking, new ways of dealing with things will come to you, along with fresh perspectives. As a result your life will move towards peace and tranquillity, harmony and balance. You have everything you need and you are in the right place. Hope you enjoy the full reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. Hello Aquarius, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Potential Gateway 50 Something new is coming your way, a new course, a new job, a complete change in your life. Use the knowledge that you have, you will be able to complete the task at hand. If that doorway has not yet opened, think about what it is that you would truly like to do or happen. What do YOU want to do next. This is part of your Life’s journey, what do you want to do. You will feel pride and contentment as well. There will also be a reward for all of your efforts and hard work. This is evidence that all of your hard work has paid off, you are putting in the energy to create your life’s desires. Open that potential gateway and walk on through, knowing you will be rewarded. Hope you enjoy the full reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. Hello Capricorn , welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Intuition 36 You have a great intuition, you just know!! If it is going to work or not, simply ask you, you have this process that is simply unique to who you are and everyone around you knows it as well. You work hard at being you, and once you start you do not stop. This is an amazing gift. You are the trendsetter and you are simply empathic towards others and their feelings. Use your gift this month, there will be people around you that need you. You know what people need and love, you understand them. There is your inner voice guiding you this month, listen to it. Tap into the universal wisdom and allow yourself this higher perspective that you can share with others. Hope you enjoy the full reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. Hello Sagittarius , welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Amplify Your Positive Emotions 7 This is simply a ripple effect of energy. If you think positively then this will benefit those around you. What comes from you, flows through you. Energy expands to those we share our lives with. This in turn will reflect back on your wishes and desires. Bring good fortune and influence those events that are happening around you and try to stay positive about them. Know that we are all in a continuous circle of events, with highs and lows. Forever growing and changing. With every ending comes a new beginning. Positive energy will radiate, not only will it radiate it will also attract what you wish for too. As much as possible stay positive this coming month. Hope you enjoy full the reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. Hello Scorpio, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Pause 4 The perfect card for what is going on in the world right now. I think we have all had to pause to a certain extent. For you Scorpios, take a moment to assess what is really going on in your life. Are you trying to control a situation or someone around you? Resistance will bring blocks, allow it to unfold naturally. Try not to fight what is happening around you. Do not waste your energy. Reserve your energy and simply wait. Something wonderful can and will happen, you do not need to force it or try to hard. Hope you enjoy the full reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. Hello Libra, welcome to The Spiritual Centre, I am Sonia Parker and this is your April 2020 Tarot Reading, hope you are well, with the unprecedented circumstances that is happening right now with the Coronavirus I thought I would do a different style of reading this month, along with the offer of free personal readings as well, so please keep watching. I am using the Natures Whispers Oracle deck and the universal Celtic Tarot. As always I will pull a card for the overall energy and then a tarot card for each of the four weeks and don’t forget the offer for a free personal reading. The card we have for the overall energy is Clear Out The Old 5 With all that is happening around our planet earth now is the time for you to consider all that you have done to date, all that you have achieved. Everything so far has brought you to this time and place. We are all suffering from the Coronavirus in some way. So take this month to think about your NEW reality, let go of all those things that no longer serve you, those things that were just ‘there’, have a good clear out. Life is precious, your life is precious, release any mistakes, release things that have not gone right for you in the past, also release any material possessions that no longer serve you. You can create something new, you can begin again, you can be just what you want to be. You are who you are meant to be. Hope you enjoy the full reading below, please like comment and share and subscribe to the channel. As promised a FREE giveaway of a Private Reading, all I want you to do is type your YES PLEASE in comments along with your full date of birth, I will read for those I feel drawn to also for the chance to win pop over to my website, the spiritual centre.net and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I give away a free personal reading every month, take a look, the links are in the description. Also take a look at some of the other videos I have in the description. Bless you for watching. Stay safe. |
AuthorSonia Parker Archives
April 2024