Pisces Reading December – True Wealth
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – BULL – Wealth, Potency, Abundance Are you being stubborn or lack motivation? Are you behaving like a ‘bull in a china shop’? How you react under provocation is the key here. The Bull offers an opportunity for a rich and abundant life, how awesome! The Bull is a symbol of wealth. Our ancestors understood that true wealth has nothing to do with finances. True wealth is found in the heart and soul first and then it will manifest into the material world. The bull represents fertility, wealth, potency, abundance and prosperity and these things can sometimes take a while to achieve. The bull is here to help you achieve this, trust believe and do not lose focus. I sense a lot of you will be trying to be too much to too many right now. I sense a feeling of a need to escape to get away from it all, a break is needed. If you have the ability to write or want to study, then do it, you need this as a focus, remember your heart and soul know your true purpose. With regards to relationships, someone close is being very sensitive, are you aware of this, are you aware of their needs too? Time is needed to clear the head, a long walk in nature maybe. Expect something magical to happen around the new moon on the 7th. Hope you all have a lovely month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Aquarius Reading December – Meet Your Soul Mate
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – BLACKBIRD – Enchantment, Gateway, Inner Voice The Blackbird calls from the gateway between the two worlds. He urges us to follow a spiritual pathway and to become more self-aware. There is so much to discover about your hidden motivations and potential. You are here to create a life of passion and purpose. Using all that life has to offer, the four elements, develop both the heart and mind and both instinct and intuition. Do not deny your own power and responsibility. You are in need of some ‘me’ time. Do not feel guilty if you want to spend the day doing your own thing, in fact make sure you do take some time to do just that. Spirit are calling you to look at your purpose, look at your days, what are you doing that is meaningful for you? Bringing yourself into the here and now will pay dividends with regards to relationships. Have fun, set some romantic surprises for a partner and you will be surprised at their reaction. For those who are single you will not be left out. Look for love around the 20th, you never know who might come knocking! Have a love filled month xx FREE tarot reading for December is below:
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Capricorn Reading December – What Will You Choose?
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – HORSE – Strength, Travel, Spirit The horse brings strength, power and the need to travel, whether that is travel in the physical realms or spiritual realms, the horse will connect to both worlds, the spirit of the land beneath us and the sky above us. Feel comfortable with who you are, your journey, your place right here and now. Know that you are being protected through your very own life’s journey. If you are restless, allow the horse to guide you so that you can find your ideal place in your world. I sense a lot of you need a helping hand right now. So much going on for you but there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes as well. You can expect a nice surprise around a work situation within the first two weeks of December. For those with a partner there will be sense of stability and balance coming in for you. As we come to the end of this year you will feel more secure. For those that are single the full moon will hold an opportunity, will it be the real deal, only you will know the answer to that one. What will you choose? Hope you have a great month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Sagittarius Reading December– Be Prepared to WOW!
Happy Birthday! The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – WATER DRAGON – Passion, Depth, Connection The water dragon brings what is hidden to the surface. Facing these experiences will bring you to a deeper soul connection. Emotions may be overwhelming but the experiences will bring you stability and balance. Healing is taking place on a soul level for lots of you, allowing past experiences even from previous incarnations to be healed. You may be emotional for no apparent reason. Allow these feelings. After this release I sense that opportunity will be knocking at your door. You will have a new sense of adventure, a new determination to make it happen. If you have a desire to renovate or renew an old passion, something creative then do it!! With relationships early on in the month unexpected texts or communication will come. This will give you a buzz. Do not wait for the right person to come along, get yourself noticed, put on your best outfit and be prepared to WOW!! Hope you all have a great month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Scorpio Reading December – Dark into Light?
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – OWL – Wisdom, Change, Detachment The owl teaches the wisdom of turning a disadvantage into an advantage, a negative into a positive. The owl works at night, using hearing as his senses. In the darkness he is able to feed. It is at our dark times that we are able to see a new pathway ahead. Be careful not to withdraw from the world. When the owl swoops at night the saying goes you can expect a fair dawn tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day and a chance to see things in a different light. I sense that lots of you could be facing challenges or struggles right now. With work I sense the word boredom too. You need a new challenge, you need something exciting, this is the perfect time of year to think about your own journey and future and to put the wheels in motion for next year. With relationships finding time will be the issue. Let others help over the holiday season, any invitations to go elsewhere accept, let people take responsibility and give you a break. Turn any negative feelings about a partner into positive ones and you will see growth in your relationship. For those who are single the 12th December might hold a magic spark! Hope you have a lovely month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Libra Reading December – Soul Connections
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – SWAN – Love, Beauty, Soul Purpose The swan indicates that this month you will receive inspiration, guidance and knowledge from the spirit world. Love is entering your life, love of all kinds and in all shapes and forms. I sense for some of you a separation, maybe a separation internally within yourself, a shedding of ideas or beliefs, a deeper connection is occurring with your own soul. Know your own magnificence and trust in your own self. With the deep connection with your soul this month you will also find deeper connections with people around you. Your circle is about to expand, making new connections and revisiting old ones. There is a place for everyone and you will be able to make time for everyone as well. Work seems to be extra busy and although you will do your best your heart will be yearning to be with those you love. Finding time will be the issue for you, making the most of that time as well, nurture your soul. For new encounters and that extra spark the 1st December looks promising. Enjoy your month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Virgo Reading December – Are You Distracted?
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – CAT – Guardian, Sensual, Detachment The cat sits back and just watches events unfold, even pretending not to listen at times. This is the strength that cat is bringing you for this month. A very spiritual creature, the cat also brings sensitivity and sensuality to you, uniting the physical and unseen world of spirit. December is going to be really busy and so you are going to need to keep your wits about you. You will be in demand this month, everyone is after your attention and you will be able to keep everyone happy. You will get very easily distracted with regards to relationships, call on cat energy to bring your focus back to the now. You do not need to do anything about any situations, allow things to just be, observe and listen and watch it unfold. Hope you enjoy your month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Leo Reading December 2018 – A New Encounter
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – STAG – Pride, Independence, Grace The stag brings you grace, majesty and protection. His energy will bring you calmness strength and dignity. He is the totem for the birch tree, the tree that stands at the edge of the forest signifying new beginnings and a doorway into the spiritual world. Know that if you have any new projects you are planning to undertake right now, spirit are guiding your way forward. I sense a very creative month ahead for you. Even work will see you having fun, make the most of the festivities and any invitations that come your way. The more you join in and the more places you go, the more fun you will have. You will want to share your emotions, do it!! Let someone know how you feel about them, better out than in. Any hiccups will sort themselves out in the first week. A new encounter, maybe online, will bring you lots of fun as well. Hope you all have a fantastic month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Cancer Reading December 2018 – Embrace the Goddess
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – COW – Nourishment, Mother, Goddess This month you are the protector, the protector to all those around you, partners, parents, children. You will be having a massive influence over others. Become aware of the Goddess and all that she has to offer you, use this sacred energy not just for others but for yourself as well. Besides all that you are doing for others make sure you make some ‘me’ time as well. This is especially important around work situations, do not be taken for granted and make sure you know exactly what it is you should be doing. You should be feeling really good about yourself right now. Others will pick up on your energy and you will be like a magnet to others. Your energy will be contagious. A surprise meeting around the 23rd will bring you the unexpected. Hope you all have a fantastic month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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Gemini Reading December 2018 – A Proposal?
The Druid Animal Oracle Deck – BEAR – Power, Intuition, Instinct This month you will come into your own power, and walk in your own beauty. Power and strength comes from the bear. The Bear will give you the opportunity to become a spiritual warrior. The month will be full of temptation so you will be really enjoying yourself. You will be spoilt for choice and feel so uplifted, not everyone will share your enthusiasm though. Be you, be yourself and leave others to their own drama. Remember to use your intuition and instinct. If it does not feel right then it probably isn’t. With regards to relationships the first week of the month will be fun, even if you are single offers will be coming your way, if you take notice that is! Someone will pop the question on 21st you will not hesitate and there will be celebrations all round. Everyone will be happy for you. Hope you all have a fantastic month xx FREE tarot reading for December below:
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AuthorSonia Parker Archives
April 2024